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|Education - Etymology|Education : Meaning & Kinds| Objectives & Goal| Importance of  Education|Yoga Education|

Yoga Education - 1

Education & Yoga

अन्य लिंक : Education & Yoga | Indian Constitution and Education | मूल्याधारित-शिक्षा एवं योग |योग – एक वैश्विक मूल्य|

Education - Etymology


l           educe  [L educere, f. e- E- + ducere to lead.] 

1.            Lead or draw out;

2.            Bring out or develop from latent or rudimentary existence; elicit; evoke.

3.            Infer (a principle etc.) from a set of data. 

Education : Meaning

Education : Meaning 

1.          The process of nourishing or rearing.

2.          The process of bringing up children in particular manners, habits, or ways of life.

3.          The systematic instruction, schooling, or training of children and young people, or, by extension, instruction obtained in adult life; the whole course of such instruction received by a person. Also, provision of this, as an aspect of public policy. 

Kinds of education :

Legal education, Medical education, Technical education, Moral education, Vocational education, Progressive education, Special , ducation, And so on ……………………….., Or According to the need of society,

Objectives & Goal 


     The development of mental or physical powers; molding of (some aspect of) character. 

शिक्षा की परिभाषा भारतीय परिप्रेक्ष्य से 

                        “शिक्षा संस्कारों की जननी है।

                                                                   - विनोबा भावे 

          संस्कार वे बातें हैं, जिनसे व्यक्तित्व एवं चरित्र का विकास एवं निर्माण होता है।

Two Basic Objectives of education : 

शिक्षा के दो उद्देश्यों में सैद्धान्तिक रूप से मदभेद किया जाता रहा है-

Education should serve the needs of the individual, and

Education should serve the needs of society.

But both the aim concentrate on imparting the education in the form of value education.

Value Education 

l            1. व्यक्तित्व का विकास

                   मानसिक विकास

                   शारीरिक विकास

l            2. चरित्र का निर्माण

     Along with above

     Inculcating values,

     Disseminating knowledge

l            उपर्युक्त सभी के द्वारा एक अच्छे मानव समाज का निर्माण करना

l            व्यक्ति अपनी सभी सम्भावनाओं के साथ अपना उच्चतम् विकास कर सके।

Some foreign views  for example, in France and Germany, there is a strong tendency to see the primary purpose of education as some form of intellectual development, with the French  lycée and the German  Gymnasium serving as characteristic institutions. In England, education has usually been seen as primarily serving the purpose of character building.


Importance of  Education


Importance of  Education
शिक्षा का महत्व

l           applications of knowledge and theories. Thus, many philosophers of education are especially interested in the relationship between theory and practice.

l           Value education comprises of all those experiences that affect the growth and development of a person throughout life 

l            मूल्याधारित विभिन्न सिद्धान्त जो बनते हैं उनकी सत्यता-असत्यता तथा व्यावहारिकता(applicability) उनके शिक्षा के क्षेत्र में प्रयुक्त होने की ही बाद पता चलती है।


Yoga Education


Yoga Education Salient features

l           Yoga is A way of life.

l           Yoga can be defined as Science of Health, Harmony and Happiness. Purely in theoretical sense yoga is the Science and art of realizing The Absolute i.e. The Ultimate Reality or Supreme Consciousness

l           Therefore, yoga education aim to impart yoga teaching in a pattern which may be termed as Holistic Living i.e.    





          social and

          spiritual well being

Factors of Yoga education 

l           Teacher

l           Student

l           Teaching

 And knowledge 

Teaching methods with special reference to yoga, factors influencing yoga teaching – 

Demonstration of yogic practices –


Relation between yoga and other form of education 

Other forms of education varies between two. They are either

  1. Purely theoretical forms of education, or

  2. Theoretical and practical form of education

But yoga education includes theory and practical as well as spiritual aspects.


Authored & Developed By               Dr. Sushim Dubey

&दार्शनिक-साहित्यिक अनुसंधान                      ?  डॉ.सुशिम दुबे,                             G    Yoga

Dr. Sushim Dubey

® This study material is based on the courses  taught by Dr. Sushim Dubey to the Students of M.A. (Yoga) Rani Durgavati University, Jabalpur  and the Students of Diploma in Yoga Studies/Therapy of  Morarji Desai National Institute of Yoga, New Delhi, during 2005-2008 © All rights reserved.