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From the time immemorial Man came in to the existence on the Earth.. Since then He survived and  surpass the limitation & bindings of Nature. In His endeavor He inclined to seek the Reality. The Vedic Rishis for the same followed the path of penance and meditation. The essence and mysteries of life, Ultimate Truth & Reality they conceived through Sadhana are the mantra. Veda are the collection of mantra. Etymologically word 'Veda' derived from the Sanskrit root 'vid' which means 'knowledge' or 'realized knowledge'. The later part of Veda are the Upanishads. The meaning of the word Upanishads is 'to sit near the realized person (Rishes) to uarry about Ultimate Reality &  Existence'.The Subject matter of the Upanishads is also the Atman, Brahma or Ultimate Reality.

     Gita mean metrical composition of the divine song. Thus the text  Shrimadbagvadgita is the embodiment of divine song sung by the Lord Krishna. In fact The Shrimadbagvadgita is the concise and retold essence of Upanisads in simple Sanskrit language. Vedanta Sutra are also the concise collection of Vedic-Upanisadic truth in sutra. Sutra means description in very few words and come from this derivation-'Alpaksharam Sutram'. In the structure of sutra each word or alphabet contains detail information and elaborate explanation happens to be required to understand them. Dharmsutra were initially formulated with the description of the path & activities to realize the supreme Truth of Veda. And here the primarily meaning of the word 'Dharma' was 'to realize' that profound Truth as duty. Smrati also denotes the memories of Realized Persons. The initially subject matter of the smrite(s) was almost same as the Dharmasutra which expanded in political and social sphere of life. In the history of Indian Civilization they were the most influential to control and regulate, form and shape the individual and society.

    Sad-darshan are the Six Philosophical Systems developed with the particular theme & aspects of the Vedic Knowledge. Nyaya Darshan-philosophy or science of valid arguments, Vaiseshik Darshan - philosophy or science of creation, Yoga - philosophy and science of  Samadhi or meditation. Samkhya - philsophy of two ultimate element Prakrait & Purush, Mimamsa is the interpretation of the Vedic injunction.

    Arthasastra is the science of Politico-economic Values. The truth of glittering side of the life formulated under this head. Various fundamental texts of immemorial Authors have been included in this site.


This Site Contain the Part or whole of the listing texts as follows :

(Note : As site aims to present all Sanskrit Texts in their original form therefore contents of them will be displayed in in Sanskrit Language.)

Students of Indian - History, Sociology, Politics, Religion, Philosophy and Linguistics have to access to the Sanskrit Literature in their endeavor to analyze and understand the ancient Indian  perspectives and its development till present era. Frequently cited references and quotations in articles can be seen in research magazines and Journals. Often researcher has to search the occurrence of any particular word or phrase in specific text or if needed then in many texts. There the job of researcher get tedious & time consuming as it becomes mandatory to go through the pages to pages in each texts.The work carried in this website primarily aims at to eliminate that difficult task and facilitate user to access the original Sanskrit texts and perform their search etc. instantly and collectively. 
Veda Nasadiya Sukta
Isavasopnishad Complete
Kenopanisad  Complete
Kathopanisad  Complete
Prasnopanisad Complete
Mundakopanisad Complete
Mandookyopnisad Complete
Gita  Complete
Vedanta-Suatra  Complete
Gautam Dharmasutra First Chapter
Manusmarti Second Chapter
Bodhayan-Dharmasutra  First Chapter
Apastamba-Dharmasutra First Chapter
Kautilya-Arthasastra Vinayadhikarik Adhikaranam
Chankya Sutra Complete
Chankya Niti Complete
Shukra Niti   First Chapter
Brahaspati Sutra Complete
Nitisara-Somadeva First Chapter
Nyaya Sutra Complete
Vaishasika Sutra Complete
Samkhya Karika Complete
Yogasutra Complete
Mimamsa-Sutra First Three Chapters
Yoga Darshan  
Hathyoga-Pradipika Complete
Yoga Sutra  Complete
Yoga Bhasya First Pada, 6 Sloka’s Bhasya
Tatva-vaisharadi working on
Yoga-vartika working on
Bhoja-Vratti First Chapter 10 sutra’s Vratti