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|What is “Yogopanishad” ?|Meaning of the Word “Upanishad”|concept of Yoga|The kinds of Yoga discussedAim & Philosophy|Therepeutics|Kinds of Yoga Practices discussed|Result of Yoga Practice|References|

Traditional texts of Yoga - 4 Therapeutics aspects discussed there in


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 |Bhagavadgita| Tattariya Upanishad|Yogopanishads|Yogavashaistha|

What is “Yogopanishad” ?

‘What is “Yogopanishad” ? 

“Yogopanishad is the term used for the collection of the 20 minor Upanishads”. They are namely : 

अद्वयतारकोपनिषत्, योगकुण्डल्युपनिषत्, योगचूड़ामण्युपनिषत्, योगतत्त्वोपनिषत्, योगशिखोपनिषत्, दर्शनोपनिषत् त्रिशिखाब्राह्मणोपनिषत्, अमृतनादोपनिषत्, अमृतबिन्दुपनिषत्, क्षुरिकोपनिषत्, तेजोबिन्दुपनिषत्, ध्यानबिन्दूपनिषत्, पशुपतब्राह्मणोपनिषत्, ब्रह्मविद्योपनिषत्, महावाक्योपनिषत्, वाराहोपनिषत्, शाण्डिल्योपनिषत्, हंसोपनिषत्। 

This collection is first published by Adyar Libraray and Research Centre, Channai. The work includes the commentary of the Shri Mahadeva Shastri on the Upanishad. According to publisher the selection of the these Upansihads rest on the subject material and their relation to Yogic Though has prompted them to publish them under the title “Yogopanishad”.

Meaning of the Word “Upanishad”


With the various meaning the central meaning found associated with the word Upanishad is “to sit near the Guru to discuss about the Metaphysical and epistemological deep Questions regarding the existence of the self and nature and the origin of the Existence..

The concept of Yoga in Yogopanishads 

The meaning of the Term 

       The Unification of  

1.          ‘ha’ & ‘tha’,

2.          ‘Prana’ and ‘apana’, and

3.          ‘merging of the individual self to the Universal self’

योSपानप्राणयोरैक्यं रजसो रेतस्तथा।

सूर्याचन्द्रमसोर्योगो जीवात्मपरमात्मनोः।।

एवं हि द्वन्द्वजालस्य संयोगो योग उच्यते।

                                      -        Yogashikhopnishad, 68

Again yet in another Upanishad, it is likewise - 

प्राणापानसमायोगो ज्ञेयं योगचतुष्टयम्।

                                      -        Yogatattvopanishad, 38

The kinds of Yoga discussed

1.                                              Mantra

2.                                              Laya

3.                                              Hatha, and

4.                                              Raja

 These Yoga have been defined in Yogashikhopnishad as well as in Yogatattvopnishad.

Basic Aim & Philosophy of Yogopanishad 


The basic Philosophy of the Upanishad based upon the realization of the Supreme reality and the method or way to realize it. The root cause of the all evil and suffering is the limited manifestation of the self because of the root ignorance or the Avidya.  

Upanishad insists upon the Knowledge and Yoga both for the highest attainment or eradication of the root cause of sufferings. 

In this connection Yogopnishad inisist upon the efficacy of Jnana and Yoga equal in the path of Yoga siddi.  

योगहीनं कथं ज्ञानं मोक्षदं भवति ध्रुवम्।

योगSपि ज्ञानहीनस्तु क्षमो मोक्षकर्मणि।।

                                      -        योगतत्त्वोपनिषत्, 14

Therepeutics in Yogopanishad

Concept of “Swasthya” and “रोगनाशनम्

स्वास्थ्य here means the three tire connation :

1.  Physical Health needed for the better living and also necessary for Yoga Sadhana.

2.   Mental Health for calmness, stability and the peaceful existence,

3.   Spiritual Health for the bliss. 

Physical => Mental => Spiritual 

Yogopnishad initially aims for the “Yogasiddhi” or the attainment of Yoga. In this connection maintenance of the health and elimination of the diseases have also been discussed. 

Broadly, Yogopanishad describe the diseases as per the ancient Indian Medicine System i.e. as per the classification of Ayurveda viz. Vataz, Pittaz and Kaphaz diseases. At various places in Upanishad there are the references for elimination of the disbalance of these three through the particular practice or the result of the Yoga Abhyasa.  

Apart from these some particular name of the diseases also occurs in the Upanishad likewise – गुल्म, प्लीहा, उदररोग, ज्वर, वातसन्धि, क्षय, कुष्ठ, नेत्ररोग, शिरोरोग, कर्णरोग, भगंदर, मूलरोग इत्यादि।


The Kinds of Yoga Practices discussed in Yogopanishad



Yoga of six limb, or seven limb or eight limb has been discussed in Yogopanishad. 

 Primarily, practices referred in Yogapanishad are as follows :

Asana, Pranasamrodha(Pranayama), Pratyahara, Dharana, Dhyana, Samadhi.

Yogopanishad mentions about the effects of Yoga Practices like – 

आसनेन रूजं हन्ति प्राणायामेन पातकम्।

विकारं मानसं योगी प्रत्याहारेण मुञ्चति।।

धारणाभिमनोधैर्यं याति प्रत्याहारेण मुञ्चति।

- योगचूड़ामण्युपनिषत्, 109-10


“ A Yogi through the practice of the Asana eliminate diseases, by the practice of the Pranayama the diseases of the mind or ill effects of the actions, discomfort and mental disorders are eliminated through the practice of the Pratyahara. By the Dharana Yoga practice mental stability and peace are attained.” 

Various numbers of the asana mentioned in the different Upanishad. Yogachudaminyuapnishad talks about the only two asana as Siddhasana and Kamalasana,

while Yogatalltopnishad mentions four asana viz. Simha, Bhadra, Padma and Kamalasan. Yet another Upanishad, Darshanopanishad describes the nine asana viz. स्वास्तिक, गोमुख, पद्म, वीर, सिहं, भद्र, मुक्त, मयूर एवं सुखासन with their techniques. Here Padmasana has been said to and Bhadrasana as destroyer of diseases, and Padmasana like – 

पद्मामसनं भवेत् प्राज्ञ सर्वरोगभयापहम्।।

                                      - दर्शनोपनिषत्, III/5 

means, that the padmasana eliminates all the diseases and fears.  

The discussion of the Band-tray and their effects have also been discussed. Uddiyana, Jalandhara and Mula bandha and their techniques have been explained. Here also Vipareetakarani performed regualarly with right manner, has been described as destroyer of all diseases and stimulator of the Gastric juices. 

करणी विपरीताख्या सर्वव्याधिनाशिनी।

नित्यमभ्यासयुक्तस्य जठराग्निविवर्धिनी।।

-      योगतत्त्वोपनिषत् 

The practice  of the Pranayama in Yogopanishad has been called as effective as – सर्वरोगनिरासक, रोगनिवर्तक, व्याधिनाश etc. Trishikhabrahmanopanishad says about the practice of the pranayama as – 

धारयेन्मनसा प्राणान् संध्याकालेषु वा सदा।

सर्वरोगविनिर्मुक्तो जीवेद्योगी गतक्लमः।।


Means that the yogi retaining the Prana at the time of dusk and dawn becomes free from all diseases and his lethargic elements are also removed. 

Concentrating on flow of the Prana on the specific centres of the body is also said to be the destroyer of the diseases of that particular organ or part of the body.


The Result of Yoga Practice and their effects on the body


Various words and phrases have been used to describe the rejuvenating effects and gaining the vitality and longevity. Some are लघुता, स्वल्पनिद्रा, तेजस्विता, बलवत्ता, रोगरहितता, शतायु इत्यादि।



  1. The Yoga Upanishad-s Ed. By Pandit Mahadeva Shastri, Published from Adyar Library and Research Centre.
  2. Upanishatsamgraha, Published from MLBD, New Delhi
  3. The Yoga Tradition
  4. History and Development of Hathayoga Tradition




Authored & Developed By               Dr. Sushim Dubey

&दार्शनिक-साहित्यिक अनुसंधान                      ?  डॉ.सुशिम दुबे,                             G    Yoga

Dr. Sushim Dubey

® This study material is based on the courses  taught by Dr. Sushim Dubey to the Students of M.A. (Yoga) Rani Durgavati University, Jabalpur  and the Students of Diploma in Yoga Studies/Therapy of  Morarji Desai National Institute of Yoga, New Delhi, during 2005-2008 © All rights reserved.