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| “Yoga” | its meaning| definitions | aim and objectives | Misconceptions about Yoga | True Nature of Yoga |

 Yoga is an ancient art based on an extremely subtle science, that of body psyche and soul.

 Meaning of the word –"Yoga"


  • The word Yoga originates from the Sanskrit word "Yuj" ("to yoke") --"union" or "integration

  • Another meaning is “Samadhi”- A higher state of consciousness beyond mind reflecting The Ultimate Reality


Some Definitions of Yoga


          In the Thoughts of Modern Thinkers we find yoga as a System of Conscious Evolution and Self perfection -

Swami Vivekananda has defined the Yoga as –

          “Yoga as "It's a means of compressing one's evolution into a single life or a few months or even a few hours of one's bodily existence".


Sri Aurobindo defines Yoga as Integral Yoga. He says


 “By Yoga,… meant a methodological effort towards self perfection by the development of potentialities latent in the individual.  -  Sri Aurobindo

In the authoritative ancient text of Yoga i.e. Yogasutra of Patañjali and Gita, Yoga has been defined  as Transcending the mind for Self realization or Equanimity of mind –

Patañjali , “Yoga is the restraint of modifications of Mind” --------Realizing the ultimate reality. योगश्चित्त वृत्ति निरोधः।  - योगसूत्र I/2

Bhagavad-Gita defines Yoga as "Yoga is skill in action"

          योगः कर्मसु कौशलम्” - भगवद्गीता II/48         

also " Equanimity of mind"

 समत्वं योग उच्यते”   भगवद्गीता II/50

In another important text Yogavashishtha Yoga comes as  -

              “Skilful method to calm down the mind” - Yogavasisht

Aim & Objectives of Yoga


l To remove ignorance ( Avidya or Lack of awareness of reality ) from life

l Ignorance ( Avidya) – Egoism – Attachment- Detachment – yearning desire to life – Elimination of 5- Afflictions from life.

l To enter into a state of Highest consciousness that manifests in life as (Satya) Truth, (Bodh) Pure Consciousness, (Jnana)  Absolute Knowledge,  Ananda (Bliss),  and Prem( Love)

l Awakening to Real Self

l Elimination of Kleshas( Sufferings)

Misconception about Yoga

         There are varieties of misconception as

associated with Yoga, they are as Yoga is : 

  • Religion –dogma, belief , cult or -ism

  • Magic, trick , mysticism

  • Physical culture –aerobics and anaerobics

  • Mental concentration

  • Self mortification, Self torture

           But as we have seen earlier in various definitions describing the true nature of yoga is not so.

     It is a complete system or better a Science or A way of life. Yoga being a way of life can be applied irrespective of age, gender, profession, state, conditions, problems and sufferings. Yoga can be applied in any/every human endeavour –personal, professional, social, family and spiritual.

The True nature of Yoga

      We may sum up the true nature with these, as yoga is 

  • Science and art of realizing The Absolute i.e. The Ultimate Reality or Supreme Consciousness

  • Holistic Living i.e. Physical, mental, emotional, intellectual, social and spiritual well being

  • Science of Health, Harmony and Happiness i.e. ( “HHH”)

 and  here Health, Harmony and Happiness denotes


Health ( Holistic Health)- Physical, Emotional, Mental, Intellectual, Social and Spiritual Well being

Harmony- Inner Harmony( Body, mind and emotion) and Outer Harmony (social, professional ) 

Bliss – beyond happiness or permanent state of happiness 

Which is the stage of Self-realization


Authored & Developed By               Dr. Sushim Dubey

&दार्शनिक-साहित्यिक अनुसंधान                      ?  डॉ.सुशिम दुबे,                             G    Yoga

Dr. Sushim Dubey

® This study material is based on the courses  taught by Dr. Sushim Dubey to the Students of M.A. (Yoga) Rani Durgavati University, Jabalpur  and the Students of Diploma in Yoga Studies/Therapy of  Morarji Desai National Institute of Yoga, New Delhi, during 2005-2008 © All rights reserved.